Welcome to Redline where every paddle creates ripples of positive change in our community. Our commitment to giving back goes beyond the water, and we’re proud to share how we make a splash of impact throughout the year.

Food Drives for a Full Table:

Our doors are not only open for paddle adventures but also for fostering a community that cares. Throughout the year, we host Food Drives, inviting everyone to contribute non-perishable items. These donations are a lifeline for those facing food insecurity. Partnering with the United Food Bank, we ensure that every can, every box, and every contribution makes its way to those who need it most. Join us in turning the tide against hunger and building a community that supports one another.


SWATT Clean-Ups:

As stewards of the waterways, Redline Rentals and Sales proudly supports the Salt-River Waste and Trash Team (SWATT) by donating free rentals for their clean-up efforts along the Salt River. We believe in the power of collective action, and by contributing to these initiatives, we aim to preserve the beauty of our waterways for generations to come. Join us in paddling for a cleaner, healthier environment. Join the SWATT team by clicking on the link and make a change today!

School/Church Raffles

Education, recreation, and team spirit are the cornerstones of a thriving community. That’s why Redline donates several different gift certificates to promote local raffles and fundraisers for schools, churches, and sports teams in Mesa, Arizona. If you have a raffle or event coming up that could use a splash of excitement, reach out to us! We’re here to support the causes that matter to you!

At Redline Rentals and Sales, we are deeply grateful for the support that has allowed us to grow. Giving back is not just a commitment; it’s a way of expressing our gratitude to the Mesa community that has been with us since our beginnings. Join us in making waves of positive impact, and let’s paddle together towards a brighter and more compassionate future. Thank you for being a part of our mission to create a Mesa community that cares.